As a support worker, a certain standard is expected of you by patients, their relatives and Serenity Supportcare. You need to be able to do your job properly, behave properly, and do the right thing at all times. This is essential to protect patients and others from harm.
This guide will assist you not just for your first booking but also set the standard for how you should work on a day-to-day basis as a support worker / care giver .
Be Clear on Client Requirements
You must carry out only the tasks agreed in your job description or specification so that your patient knows what you are likely to be doing and, based on this, agrees to accept / absolves you of liability for your actions.
Understand your own limitations
Know yourself physically and mentally, what you can do and what you can’t do. The safety of your patients is your first priority. Always ask for help from your supervisor or patient’s relatives if required.
Best Interest of Patient in Mind
Take responsibility for promoting and protecting the interests of patients, many of whom may not be able to communicate or even express themselves.
This means speaking up for patients to make sure that what is best for each individual is always taken into account. Always do your best to make sure nothing you or anyone else does, or does not do, will harm the patient’s mental or physical health or delay their recovery.
Respect the patient
Every patient is a real human being with real feelings and emotions. It may get hard trying to care for them and even frustrating. When working with patients, think about how they may be feeling and what is the most balance response to their situation. Respect patients’ privacy to make sure that neither you nor they are ever placed in an embarrassing situation.
It is the duty of every support worker / care giver to treat each patient without considering personal feelings race, sex, sexuality, age, religious belief or disability.
Always explain to patients what you need to do to help them, even when it is basic care or routine procedures, and only continue with your planned work once the patient agrees to it.
Never give out personal information about patients, or about their condition or treatment, to anyone other than authorized personnel at Serenity Supportcare or any designated partners who need to know the information to help in the patient’s care. If you feel that a patient is at risk of harm, inform your supervisor at Serenity Supportcare.
Be Alert, Always Learning
Always observe your patient for changes in physical or behavioral changes and report your observations to an appropriate person such as a relative or their doctor.